Monday, October 15, 2012

Leaving on a Jet Plane

We've been busy traveling.  Maksim experienced his very first adventure via airplane.  We took red eye flights both to and from Portland, OR.  The first flight was a bit trying.  Maks woke up in his Ergo carrier (which he isn't very fond of being carried in, let alone sleeping in) and cried a bit.  The less than 5 minute episode seemed like forever to me, as I was the one who stood up with him and bounced him back to sleep in the aisle.  However, by the kind compliment received by the middle aged man two rows ahead of us as I stood up to get off the plane, "You did an amazing job with that baby.", it was clear that I took Maks' brief cry to be more bothersome than any other passenger on the aircraft.

On our flight back, Maks fell asleep on the car ride to the airport.  Unfortunately, we had to wake him up and take him out of his car seat as we went through security.  Additionally, the guards thought it would be appropriate to interact with him and further wake him up so that it was impossible to put him directly back to sleep as soon as we made our way through their path.  On a positive note, we were able to keep Maksim reclined in his carseat on our return trip.  He put himself to sleep beautifully about 15 minutes after we took off, and he slept the entire 3.5 hour flight!

We've all caught colds and are thoroughly exhausted, but Bryon just found out that he's busy with work and off to Vegas over the next 2-3 weeks.  So, I booked a last minute flight back to the Midwest so that Maks and I can visit family and friends.  Less than 48 hours home and we're leaving on a jet plane...again!  This time I'm flying solo with my little man!

It was difficult to remember to take photos during our trip, but here is a sneak peek.  I'll blog more about our adventures as soon as we land in the Midwest. 

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