Tuesday, January 15, 2013

"Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin'..."

"........Into the future."

So, we celebrated New Years in true "new parents" style.  Bulleted outline as follows:

  • 5:00 party time.
    Maks was thrilled to have his very own glass. 
He drank from that flute like a champ!
Party horns?
Count Kira in!
Smiling nicely for Da-da!

  • Self-timer family photos!  (And baby sound asleep by 6pm.) 
Wish this camera view was just a little bit lower!  
Gotta take what you can get with an 8 month old!  Who wants to sit around and smile at a blinking light???
Maks would much rather sneak a drink while we wait for the camera to take our picture!

  • Quick dinner and celebratory beverage.  
Nothing says "Happy New Year" like homemade pizza, right?
And champagne...
...in a frosted beer glass.
(Served by this guy.)

  • Wrote down goals and resolutions for 2013.
We have quite the list.  Some goals/resolutions are personal and some are for our family.  Some will be easy to carry out while others will be very challenging.  Here are just a few:
  1. Monthly date nights.  (We are needing this SO SO SO badly.  As well as a babysitter.)
  2. Stop biting my nails/cuticles (I think this has been on my list since I was a teenager.)  Time to invest in some regularly scheduled manicures.  As much as this sounds like a luxury to most girls, I honestly need to prep my fingers for at least 2 weeks just to prepare to go to the salon.  Bleeding fingers and bandaids be gone!  
  3. Spend more one-on-one time with Kira.  Brushing her (my job) and walking her without a stroller in tow (Bryon's job) daily.
  4. Commit to learning the ins and outs of my DSLR.
  5. Weekly yoga class together.
  6. Family bike rides on Sunday afternoons.
  7. Visit the gun range once a week (our firearms have been in storage since we left TX).
  8. Run 1/2 marathon.
  9. Run 10K BAREFOOT (I've run a maximum of 8 miles barefoot, but Bryon hasn't.)
  10. Dedicate a larger portion of earnings to our savings accounts.
  11. Make a conscious effort to develop our very own family Holiday/seasonal traditions.
  12. Plan an end of year family vacation.
  13. Bryon's joining me with my regular visits to the chiropractor to maintain wellness and proper alignment/posture.
  14. Learn to play an instrument (both of us).  I'm leaning towards picking up the piano again (haven't played since childhood) while Bryon is going to give the acoustic guitar (that I bought in TX) a go.
  15. Read at least one new book every month.
  16. Construct and abide by a family calendar to help organize our tasks and accomplish our goals. 
  17. Disconnect/reconnect (see below).
Whew, add that to all of the other items that I didn't list...as well as a job change for Bryon (whether a new job with the military or a job outside of the Air Force), relocation to a new house/state, and keeping up with our busy body son - including celebrating his very first birthday...and we might not find any time to sleep!  Just kidding.  Sleep is probably the #1 priority on our list.  Seriously, we just had a baby less than a year ago; we're still playing catch up.  Y'all must think we're crazy or something!

  • In bed before 9pm (Hey, at least we dressed up!)

A little bit more on #17.  I'm not giving up blogging, but I am planning to post a bit less frequently - at least for the time being.  One of my New Years resolutions is to avoid using my phone or computer until (at the very least) Maksim goes to bed for the night.  I'm focusing on devoting my time to him while he's awake.  And, now that he is sleeping through the night without nursing (until at least 5am), I'm catching up on sleep due to many months of accumulated deprivation.  Plus, I have about 50 other things on my to-do list.  Blogging will fall in line, just amongst a variety of other miscellaneous tasks...cooking, cleaning, loving on my pup, working out, spending some quality time with my spouse...you know how it goes.  It's all about balance.

My ultimate goal is to be parent who participates.  And, quite frankly, the satisfaction that my son expresses when he snags my cell phone or laptop just hits home too hard.  He's becoming quite skilled at the game of see-do, so I'm putting 100% of my efforts to setting a good example and being present/in the moment with my boy.  Technology will eventually play a large role in Maks' life, I'm certain (I'm not planning to ban it from our house - that would completely disadvantage my son.).  But what technology won't be is something that drives Maks' mama's attention away from him when he's just 8 months old.  So, for the time being, I'm loosening my ties to my the web and connecting more deeply with my family at home.

Happy New Year from the Kroger's (to-do item #5,826...officially change my last name)!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Happy Holidays 2012

Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas...wow, I've been absent for longer than anticipated.

2 days before Christmas, Bryon and I realized that we hadn't taken Maks on a trip to see Santa.  I bounced back and forth with this for quite some time because we aren't teaching Maksim to believe in Santa Claus.  We do, however, celebrate the Holidays with presents and family time. And, as Bryon pointed out to me, he has a picture of himself on Santa's lap when he's nearly 20 years old (and clearly not believing)...so there's nothing wrong with a harmless photo with the big guy!  So, we put Maks in his Holiday jammies and ventured down to the Boardwalk.

(Maks did get a quick photo with Santa, but it is already packed away with our tree and other decorations - which Bryon boxed up and put in the garage just yesterday.  I'm thinking it's in my best interest to not request that he go and retrieve the photo after he kindly put everything away without me even asking!)

He's not too sure about that unfriendly reindeer.  At least Kira wags her tail and greets him with a kiss!

"Oooooh, I'll take one of these!"

Although it was overcast, it was plenty warm enough to leave coats/hats/mittens behind.  In fact, most have been boxed up since we left Minnesota.  I've been enjoying our warm winters for the past 4 years.

I don't miss the cold and snow of the Midwest throughout the winter months.  But, the lack of all things wintery (evergreens, snowfall, icicles and a neighborhood full of twinkly lights) made me feel as though we needed a little bit of "The Holidays" in our own home.  We aren't too big on decorating for the seasons.  It's hard enough for us to decorate in general!  Our tree is pretty "natural" - aside from the white LED lights, we only add pinecones.  (Hey, at least we have a tree!  That was a battle I won when we first moved to TX!)  We generally add 1 photo ornament per year - something that highlights the biggest event of the year...an engagement photo, a picture of Kira's 1st year with us, a wedding photo, etc.  However, this year I decided to get a little crafty instead.  Here's what I came up with to capture Maks' first season:

No, Maks does not have two right feet.  What he does have are kicky feet.  It was far less messy for me to paint one foot than it was for me to paint them both.

Reindeer thumbprints for Daddy, Mommy and Maksim!

Bryon receives nearly two weeks off during the Holiday season this year.  He came home early on the 21st and besides needing to work for 2 random days, he doesn't return to the office until January 7th.  Well, he'll be leaving on a jet plane on the 7th, but you know what I mean. Anyhow, he needs to stay close to home since he's technically on call, so there is no traveling for us this season.  We've spent a lot of time being lazy at home...ahem, which is also known as a full-time job.  Bryon is now fully aware of how time and energy consuming it is to watch after our son 24X7.  I'm appreciating having help round the clock!

Maksim was bound and determined to find a present underneath our tree!

Here are our littles enjoying a present or two on the morning of the 25th.  Maks scored big with...wait for it...spoons and bibs!  Ha!  We needed them.  It was a quick way to check some items off our shopping list...

I knew the kid would be far more interested in the wrapping paper anyhow!

Check out this thoughtful gift that my cousin sent Maks in the mail: organic, earth grown crayons.  Totally up our alley!  Little crayons for little hands, shaped like flowers, chili peppers, ears of corn, strawberries, carrots, etc.  I couldn't have thought of a more perfect gift myself! THANK YOU!!!

Stockings!!!  Maks was naughty, so he didn't get anything in his stocking.  We shoved him inside of it instead.  

Now onto our other "little."  Kira wasn't about to be fooled by silly presents.  She knows a good gift when she smells it!  In fact, I almost had to carry her upstairs on Christmas Eve because she could smell her knuckle bone that I'd wrapped and placed under the tree before bedtime.  And, believe me, Kira has no problem breaking the "do not open until Christmas morning" rule.  She also got a nice, new Kong leash.  The leash was essential because she loves walking with me and Maks, and her old leash is thinning to the size of dental floss.  Her big score, however, was a stocking full of squeaky tennis balls.  She generally only receives one ball at a time.  Once it gets dirty enough in the backyard, we throw it away and give her a new one.  She was completely overwhelmed when her stocking was full of tennis balls and she was able to play with them all...at the same time...INSIDE the house!  Kira loves Christmas.

We plan to give Kira a new ball every month or so throughout the year, so we needed to find a place to store the extras after she played with them inside on Christmas Day.  They're currently sitting inside of a basket, on top of our washing machine.  She knows it, too.  She'll sit with her nose on the door to the laundry room and whimper...this has been going on for nearly 10 days. She'll never give up.

Finally, Maksim's "real" present.  IT  WAS A HIT!  I bought him a swing and we installed it inside of our home.  Right now it's too cold to get much use of it when it's outside, and in the heat of the 110 degree summer I doubt we'll be using it on a regular occasion either.  So, inside is perfect.  We use it ALL OF THE TIME, and Maks just loves it!  

I hope you all enjoyed the Holidays, however you spent your time!  Happy Holidays 2012!

Happy Holidays 2012!