Christmas 2016 |
Gifts were fun this year. Nothing extravagant, but the little gifts received as much praise as the big ones - tablets, bike bells, temporary tattoos, chapstick, pajamas, costumes, snow shovels, sleds...everything was a hit! Per usual, Kira received some squeaker tennis balls and a "special" gift from the boys - one that they pick out on their own. She was just as pleased with her gifts as they were with theirs.
Maksim seemed most excited about his full face snorkel and fins. He's been requesting them for quite some time. During our 2015 vacation to Hawaii, he was too scared to put on a snorkel mask. He spent our snorkeling time looking through the viewing window of a boogie board (which worked just fine). Now, he's ready to graduate to an actual mask and fins. It was the perfect time to gift him a set and have him practice at the fitness center pool as we'll be traveling to Jamaica for a week come March. Deklan (our water-fearing child...well, when the water touches his face that is) even gave it a try!
Extended family Xmas is just around the corner/across the country! |
Excited to try out the Xmas gift! |
Learning everything about everything. |
The flight to get from New Hampshire to Iowa couldn't have gone more smoothly. We took off around 12:30pm - we usually have early morning flights and it was so nice to have the extra time in the morning to pack, eat and make our way to the local regional airport (as opposed to the 1:15 drive to Boston Logan). An easy flight to Detroit, the perfect amount of layover (just enough time to get off one plane, casually walk to the next terminal and arrive at the new gate just as it was time to board) and before we knew it we were in Cedar Rapids (before dinnertime!). Talk about stress free - even when on crutches! It's bittersweet - the boys getting older. Traveling is getting considerably easier without the naptime interruptions and extra/necessary items to bring along (this was the first time we didn't need a stroller!)...but where have my babies gone???
Sprinting to their final destination. Uncle Tyler & Aunt Katherine, we're almost there! |
These jet setters know the routine. |
*I can't help but include the layover mishap: Deklan's first experience with a moving sidewalk. Much different than Maks, who was running on it in the wrong direction for a workout in Miami when he was 18 months old!*
After the kids went to bed, we spent the evening cooking and baking and doing whatever other preparations necessary for our extended family/friend gathering that my brother was hosting the following day. It was the second time my brother & sister-in-law have hosted the Holiday gathering and the turn out continues to make me smile (I think the headcount was over 60). I'm so thankful that my family was able to attend this year, again!
Cookies made by yours truly! |
And a shout out to Bryon for being a sport and making these Pinterest pinecones. Halfway expected a pinterest fail. Instead, I ended up with awesome pinecones and a cranky husband. He made 5 instead of 12, but I'll take it. Ha!
Bryon's Pinterest pinecones! |
Leave it to Aunt Katherine to make arrangements for a sleigh ride around her property! The snow was absent, but that didn't stop us from having fun being towed around the acreage by these beautiful horses! The kids (and adults) loved it!
Sleigh Ride time! |
Look at this merry bunch! Cold & windy! |
Thanking the horses for the sleigh ride. |
Our trip back to Iowa wouldn't ever be complete without a special visit to Aunt Barb and Uncle Norm's house. We're especially thankful to see them this year because we are no longer in Florida (where we were all but guaranteed a visit with them when they made their yearly trip South to escape Midwestern winters). Ahhh, I'm still missing Florida!!! Summertime at Aunt Barb & Uncle Norm's is always a hit - the river, the boating, the company! But the most cherished is clearly the company - as we have just much fun visiting in the middle of winter as we do in the middle of the summer!
Maksim & Deklan each received snow shoes! They can't wait to try them out in the New England snow! |
We managed to make a trip out to see Cathy and Kris Hill - who spoil our kids to no end. Pizza, ice cream, games and tv! Plus, 3 big, friendly dogs and more attention than our boys knew what to do with! There's nothing better than visiting with friends who make you feel like family! I have a feeling my boys will be begging to visit again in the summer so they can jump in the pool!
Tic-Tac-Toe |
"See ya later" not "goodbye" |
We kept our week long visit pretty low key, which was a great decision. Most of our days were open. I tried to only schedule 1 visit/activity per day - and usually only between 4-6pm. That gave us most of our time to visit with family and relax. Uncle Tyler kept our bellies filled with amazing food and Aunt Katherine kept our boys stinky with barn work (kidding...kind of). The boys enjoyed doing whatever they could with Tyler & Katherine (work or play). There was no shortage of fun.
Ok, so this was lacking in fun (for me). Strategy game with 2 strategists? Katherine was smart enough to sneak away to do barn work! |
Customers in Training |
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Deklan's first (of many to come) ride. |
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She's always on top of her "spoiling-the-nephews" game! |
We finished our stay with an Ugly Sweater Holiday Party at my cousin's house on New Year's Eve. Nothing like a New Year's celebration to make me feel OLD! Haha. On the plus side, we made it to midnight! That's reason for celebration in itself! Can't remember the last year we weren't in bed by 9pm on December 31st!
Our trip home had a few extra bumps, but we made it. Originally, we were scheduled to be home around 6pm. A flight cancellation, a 5 hour layover AND a flight delay later...we were feeling a little less guilty of the tablets (xmas presents) we purchased the boys for use while traveling. It may have been 1:15am when we finally pulled into the driveway and walked through our front door, but we made it!
Bedtime at the airport - LONG layover. |
Down for the count. |
Zzzz... |
Troopers at nearly 1 o'clock in the morning. Waiting for curbside pickup, compliments of Daddy. |
Bring on 2017!
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