We're expecting another little Kroger in our house come early 2014! I'm not quite sure if we're ready, but in the meantime we're hanging on as tightly as we can. What a ride!
I'd like to think that the second time might be a bit easier around than the first...simply for the fact that I've done it before...but I'm also quite sure I'll be eating those words in no time!
For those of you who are interested in the story:
Although I was a few days early from missing my cycle, I had some unusual cramping/bloating going on an uneventful (come on, we all know this term is synonymous with "totally typical") Friday night. I randomly decided to sneak off to the bathroom and take the lone pregnancy test that I had sitting in the bottom of one of our cabinets. Thinking nothing of it, I continued folding and putting away some laundry and brushed my teeth before bed. A few minutes passed before I actually remembered that I should check the test. And there it was: PREGNANT.
I was half way surprised and the other half terrified! (Here's to being honest, right?) Were we ready for this? "Jeez, whatever happened to experiencing a few months of trying before actually getting that positive test?" (In all honestly, I'm thankful that we've been blessed with fertility and have been fortunate enough to conceive both of our children on our first tries.) And, "Please don't be 11+ pounds at birth again!!!" However, most of my concern was that I hadn't even considered how I wanted to break the big news to Bryon. Since I didn't have a plan, I did all that I could think of (drumroll, please)...I walked out to the living room and suggested that we watch Game of Thrones.
Talk about anticlimactic, right? I know, I know. But I needed to do something to keep us both preoccupied (and not speaking to one another) until I compiled a half-way decent announcement plan. So, I slept on it. Seriously, I slept the whole night through with the big secret tucked away from Bryon!
When Maks woke up in the morning, I went into his room, as usual, and nursed him. Every morning after Maks finishes nursing, he runs out of his bedroom until he reaches Mommy and Daddy's room. Specifically, you can hear his little feet pitter-pattering on the wood floors until he props his chin up on Daddy's side of the bed. Before Maks could make a run for it, I slipped the pregnancy test into his hand for him to show to his Daddy.
Of course, Maks would take a detour and greet Kira "Good morning." So I yelled out that Maks had a "message" for Daddy. Bryon called Maks over and asked him what he "had" for him (mind you, our child still does not speak). This is where my plan fails. Miserably.
First off, Bryon is very difficult to wake up in the morning. I honestly believe that a good portion of the chats we have when I am wide awake for the day have never even registered in his head. He doesn't forget our discussions; he simply doesn't even hear them. Why I thought he'd be wide awake for this news, I'm not sure.
Secondly, Bryon is practically blind without the assistance of his contacts/glasses. Here I go again with my amazing plan. "I'll give Bryon something he needs to read and disregard the fact that he's nowhere near his glasses!" Brilliant. Actually, in his early morning stupor, he couldn't even completely decipher that Maks had handed him a pregnancy test.
"What do you have there, Maks?" ..."I don't know, Daddy. You're supposed to tell me!" |
"I'm not sure what it is, but if it gets me snuggle time in your bed...I'll take it!" |
So there you have it. Laid-back. Casual. Going with the flow. I hope we can keep this attitude up. Stress at a minimum is what we're aiming for with all of the other changes we have coming in the next few months! So far, so good!
We spent the rest of the morning showing Maks the baby card in his set of flashcards. Actually, his was most interested in the darn pregnancy test. "Seriously, kid. Mama PEED on that thing!" (At least urine is sterile.)
At first he really liked the baby. Until he realized that he'd be sharing his entire world with said baby. That's when he finally understood us. It was quite evident that he understood because the baby card went flying out of his hands and across the room.
We'll work on changing his attitude about that over the course of the next few months. Wish us luck!
OMGeeeee congratulations!! We have to heytell tomorrow!