Unfortunately, story time at our Barnes & Noble has been cancelled for the entire past month. What's even worse is that I found this out the hard way. I'd timed Maksim's nap just right, piled him into the car (which is probably his least favorite place to be) and managed to show up at B&N exactly ten minutes before 11AM a couple of Thursdays back. Go figure, we waited patiently for 25 minutes before I finally asked a lady at Customer Service when the weekly story time would begin (I could barely believe that there was only one other mama waiting for story time with her child! For a city that has absolutely no libraries with story time, you'd think that Barnes and Noble would be packed. Apparently I am mistaken.). At the Customer Service desk, the representative informed me, "I used to be in charge of that, but I got a promotion. I don't think anybody has been hired to fill that spot." Then she turned around and started helping the next customer. No concern for me at all! Hello! Aren't you going to see if someone can just sit back there and read a story to us quickly? Or can you at least tell me if there will be someone present for story time next week? Or the week after that? Oh, and thanks for updating your website and/or posting the announcement to give the heads up to all of us who travel across town to participate in your "weekly event." I was frustrated to say the least, but at this point so was Maks. Back into the car I crawled, crying baby and all.
Luckily, Barnes and Noble kept their painting event that was to be held one month later. The book to be read was written by an artist and Louisiana native. Anyhow, I'd had it marked on my calendar because I thought it would be a fun event for us to attend, especially since it was on the weekend when Bryon could come with me and Maksim. As it turned out, there were only 4 other children present besides Maks, and Maks was definitely the only one young enough to still be in diapers. Was the chosen story interesting for preschool age kids? No. So, we grabbed a drink from Starbucks and wandered around the children's section until it was time to paint.

Of course, Maksim was far too young to use the paintbrushes (I was actually under the false impression that this was going to be a finger painting event.) that were provided for the children. Additionally, seemingly everything that we hand over to Maks ends up in his mouth; finger painting might have been a complete disaster! So, we chose to strip Maks of his clothes, throw on a disposable diaper and let him stomp around in the paint with his feet.
It didn't take Maksim long at all to get the hang of things!
Woo-hoo for Maks' very first painting!
What's better than a good old John Hancock? Foot prints, of course!
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