There was a cute little girl in a car seat next to us while we waiting to be called in to Dr. Ritch's office for Maks' 2 month check up. I was casually chatting with the little girl's parents, only to discover that she was 6 months old. 6 months old?!?! When I heard that, it was all I could muster to keep my eyes from popping out of my head! Maksim was her size when he was 6 weeks old! I think it was as much of a shocker for the little girl's parents to find out about Maks' age/size as it was for me to find out about hers! Such a cutie, nonetheless.
I never think of Maks as being as big as he really is. I guess it's because he is my firstborn and the only newborn I've ever really spent a significant amount around. However, I've met my share of chunky babies with roly-poly thighs, and that's just not Maks. It wasn't until I learned that Maks is proportionally as tall as he is heavy (in fact, he is a bit taller) that I understood why he didn't look like a sumo-baby.
Here is how Maks measured at his 2 month visit:
95th percentile for height
90th percentile for weight
50th percentile for head circumference
No vaccinations for us (Maks has never had any vaccines - not even a vitamin K shot or eye ointment at his birth. I'll blog about that sometime in the future, I'm sure), so our Dr. visits are uneventful and tear-free. We like it that way! Dr. Ritch is always so enthusiastic about Maks' progress and very impressed by him in general. He's loving how Maks thrives while being exclusively breastfed on a mostly vegan diet. Mama and Daddy are pretty happy with their healthy boy, too!
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