On Thanksgiving night (18 weeks pregnant), I felt the baby kick for the first time! I never experienced any flutters or butterflies, so the first time I felt anything - it was a kick that couldn't have been mistaken for anything else! Finally, I had some reassurance that I was really pregnant! I quickly told Bryon to feel my stomach right where I'd felt the kick, and sure enough our little one gave one more kick so that Bryon could experience it as well. It was so fun for both Bryon and myself feel the kicks for the first time on the same night!
2 weeks later (20 weeks pregnant), I witnessed my stomach move while our little one wiggled about on the inside!
Since we decided to not use a Doppler, we hadn't experienced hearing our baby's heart beat. The anticipation for a heart beat wasn't as strong anymore since we'd both felt the baby move. However, Bryon had been testing using a stethoscope at night every now and then to see if he could hear anything at all. At 21.5 weeks pregnant, Bryon heard the baby's heartbeat using a regular stethoscope! I was unable to hear anything due to the baby moving, but I could tell by the look on Bryon's face that he didn't second guess what he'd heard!
Over Christmas, Andrea brought home a fetoscope (stethoscope specifically designed for listening to the heartbeat of a fetus) for us to use. One week after Bryon heard the heartbeat (22.5 weeks pregnant), Mama was able to hear her little one's heart pumping away, too! In fact, it was fun to have everybody present (Bryon, myself, Andrea, Matt, my Mom and my Dad) successfully hear the heart beat. Andrea even received a special gift - a swift kick to the forehead (you rest your forehead on the fetoscope while listing) from little Baby K. Talk about a memorable way to celebrate Christmas Eve!
21 weeks